Every year the US federal government will spend roughly 100 billion dollars through competitive IDIQ (Indefinite Duration Indefinite Quantity) contracts. When you add in contracts awarded by State governments and commercial organizations using very similar processes you’re looking at 700 billion dollars’ worth of business.

Getting a slice of that pie depends on how well you manage the contracting project.

Stack the odds in your favor of winning multiple revenue with our one-day intensive course on the Project Management of IDIQ Task Order Contracts.  You'll gain an in-depth understanding of the framework and core principles of IDIQ's from a master Project Manager, a veteran manager of SeaPort, Eagle, GSA Schedules and other IDIQ's, yielding over $100M in revenue.   Based on the definitive book: "The Project Manager's Guide to IDIQ Task Order Contracts", you will examine the specific challenges in the startup, management, and closing of the IDIQ.

You will learn the pragmatic and best-practice description of the entire life cycle of this type of contract.  This course is full of the "insider advice” you need to help you through the pragmatic issues of clients’, performers’, and bosses’ expectations:

  • Lesson 1 - Understanding the IDIQ Contract
    Describe the structure, legal basis, general practices, and overall challenges of the IDIQ Task Order contract.

  • Lesson 2 - The Lifecycle of the IDIQ Contract
    Explore the Six Stages of the IDIQ Contract Lifecycle and its implications for subcontracting parts of the expected work.

  • Lesson 3 - The Principals
    Discuss the contributions of others that the PM needs in managing the IDIQ Contract, and their motivations for helping (or neglecting) the PM's needs.

  • Lesson 4 - Project Startup
    Discuss the specific tasks the PM should give for the contract initiation, contracts, finance, information security, and communications.

  • Lesson 5 - Communicating Project Essentials
    Discuss how to measure and control the amount of project information, including best practices to follow.

  • Lesson 6 - Task Order Proposals
    Examine the nature of Task Orders that will yield either a steady stream of revenue, or a hit-and-miss approach to winning new work.

  • Lesson 7 - Task Order and Work Package Management
    Discuss how the PM needs to pilot his contract and task orders like a ship's captain - tending to his crew with care and discipline.

  • Lesson 8 - Ongoing Management of the IDIQ Contract
    Discuss the ongoing management of the IDIQ: managing risk and finances, which make the difference between success and failure, regardless of how well the people are performing.

  • Lesson 9 - Conclusion of the IDIQ Contract
    Examine how closing the contract is the hardest phase of the work but the work is not done until the paperwork (and other very important activities) are finished.

Who Should Attend:

  • Mid-career professionals in their first or second management assignment often are technical specialists now expected to take on management duties.  The book gives them the “inside advisor” to help through the very pragmatics issues of clients, performers, and bosses expectations. 

    •          project managers

    •          program managers

    •          task managers

    •          directors of project/program management

    •          lead systems engineers

    •          supervisory engineers

    •          contracting managers

    •          lead/principal management consultants

    •          PMO specialists

    •          project controllers

    •          capture managers

    •          business development managers

    •          proposal managers

Based on the book:

  • Complementary copy of the book included with the Course

Course details:

  • Instructor-led program for eight hours, including lunch break.  8 PDUs/CEUs, PMI® eligible.

Book now!  This class only offered 2x a year

Price: $850.  Credit card and organizational purchase orders accepted. 
Save the travel money:  six or more attendees can be done in your facilities
Course Number: 494